The Archiscape Artist
Dawn McKenzie
About the Artist
No matter how hard one tries, an artist is an artist and there's no escaping that. As far back as my memory takes me, having a pencil and a piece of paper was all I needed to make things right with the world. I graduated from the High School of Music and Art in New York City at the end of the tumultuous '60's , then attended the University of Connecticut, first as a psych major, which was nothing more than self-trickery. After just one semester, the smell of turpentine and graphite dust beckoned and I switched and became an ART major.
As a working adult, I've forayed into the professional worlds of government worker, office administrator, advertising, newspaper editor, freelance writer, freelance graphic artist and business owner. Throughout these varied experiences and the years that encompassed them, the call of the Visual ARTs has been ever present. I am happiest when I'm creating.
If you're interested in a personalized archiscape, depicting possibly your home or place of business, feel free to contact me. I would be happy to chat.